Thursday, March 28, 2013

Issues with "Add to Dictionary" option in Word 2013

I recently started using Office 2013 to explore more about its wonderful features. And i must say, its integration with the cloud, and the entire Microsoft platform for writing the cloud apps for Office 2013 products has really made application development much easy, and is really worth a try for every developer.

But then, i got stuck with a very small tiny thing with MS Word, which i am covering in this blog. In Word 2013, the option for "Add to Dictionary" was disabled since i installed office 2013. So each and every day, i have to recheck the spelling of the same words in the same documents again and again, which is not so very productive. (Screenshot below shows the disabled option 'Add to Dictionary')

I tried to find some solution on Microsoft's TechNet forums, and realized that there were few others like me, who were facing similar problem. i also posted my concerns in one of the threads.

But then after some time, i thought of giving it another try, and explored bit further. And then it turned out to be a real small issue, with a simple resolution. Actually when we got upgraded to office 2013, (i guess this was the reason), the default dictionary was updated, and i din't had permissions to write to that new dictionary (RoamingCustom.dic).

In my word document, i just went to File > Options > Proofing > Custom Dictionaries. Here i switched back to CUSTOM.DIC as my default dictionary.

And my option for 'Add to Dictionary' was back in operation :)
Simple and easy, isn't it !!

Do let me know if someone gets benefited from this solution, or if someone is still facing some issues with this option.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Creating Image Hyperlinks in excel

(Detailed version of this topic is posted on Microsoft TechNet Gallery here: )

Recently, a very good friend of mine came with a question about doing image-hyperlinking in excel.
In quick, i just created a small example to share with him.

Then thought of sharing with the community so that others may get benefited as well.
So here is how you can create hyper links to images in different sheets within an excel worksheet:

For reference, a sample excel sheet is attached with working example of image hyperlinking.

High level steps:

  • Create a label for the cell where image is pasted (we can create the labels for image too, but that is somehow not working)
  • Create the hyperlink pointing to that label.

Detailed Steps:
1) Paste image in the excel (sheet 2).
2) Click on the first cell (or the centermost cell is image is large) where the image starts from (our flowers are in cell I4).
3) In the menu bar (ribbon on the top of excel screen) go to FORMULA -> Define Names.
4) Provide Name to the cell. For rest values: 'scope'=workbook, 'refers to' should be the cell where we right clicked (=Sheet2!$I$3)

This way, we provided a label to the cell where image is located, now we will create hyperlink to this label.
5) Go to sheet 1, right click on cell where you need the hyperlinking (Cell C2 here)
6) Right click on C2, select Hyperlink
7) Under “Link to” select “Place in this document”. The label that we defined right now would be visible under ‘Defined Names’. Just click that and press OK.

Your link is now ready.

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